Mystery at Geneva

January 04, 2012 • 2 responses

She proceeded with her efficient, rapid, and noisy labours. She did not need to look at the keyboard, she was like that type of knitter who knits the while she gazes into space; she had learnt “Now is the time for all good men to come to the help of the party.”

The Assembly met again at four o'clock, and proceeded under the Deputy President with the order of the day. But it was a half-hearted business. No one was really interested in anything except the fate of Dr. Svensen, who, it had transpired from inquiry among the boat-keepers, had not taken a boat on the lake last night. “Foul play,” said the journalist Grattan, hopefully. “Obviously foul play.” “Ask the Bolshevist refugees,” the Times correspondent said with a shrug. For he had no opinion of these people, and believed them to be engaged in a continuous plot against the peace of the world, in...

Young Folks Treasury

January 04, 2012 • 0 response

There was but one thing more. Every knight of olden time had a lady, whom he called the Mistress of his Heart, whose glove he wore in his helmet; and if anybody dared to deny that this lady was the most beautiful woman in the whole world, then the knight made him prove his words by fighting.

Unfortunately, there was no more than half of the helmet to be found, and a knight cannot ride forth without a helmet. So Quixada made the other half of strong pasteboard; and to prove that it was strong enough, when finished, he drew his sword and gave the helmet a great slash. Alas! a whole week's work was ruined by that one stroke; the pasteboard flew into pieces. This troubled Quixada sadly, but he set to work at once and made another helmet of pasteboard, lining it with thin sheets of iron, and it looked so well that, this time,...

Florence historique

January 04, 2012 • 0 response

J'ai dû remettre à une date ultérieure Les Arts Accessoires destinés, dans mon intention, à faire suite à l'Essai, et interrompre la série de ces Études pour déférer au vœu, souvent formulé, de me voir publier un ouvrage esthétique et pratique sur Florence et sur la Toscane, c'est-à-dire Pise, Lucques, Pistoie, enfin Sienne et ses alentours.

Le volume qui paraît aujourd'hui est consacré à Florence et à ses environs immédiats, matière aussi inépuisable que variée. L'expérience m'a fait reconnaître quelle perte de temps et quelle fatigue seraient évitées, si, au lieu d'errer à l'aventure, on pouvait procédé méthodiquement et embrasser dans une même visite tout ce qui, dans un même rayon, est digne de remarque. Pour assurer ce classement, il m'a paru indispensable d'établir un plan spécial de Florence divisé en huit régions correspondant chacune à un des huit chapitres du volume et cela de manière à ce qu'une vue, tout à la fois d'ensemble et...


January 04, 2012 • 0 response

Those who desire to go still further back, have the authority of Virgil for stating that the Trojans under Æneas could organize and carry through what Professor Conington, in his version of the "Æneid," calls "a rivalry of naval speed."

Before I take leave of this Virgilian race, I may perhaps, even at this late date, be permitted as a brother coach to commiserate the impulsive but unfortunate Gyas on the difficulties he must have encountered in coaching the crew of a trireme. Not less do I pity his oarsmen, of whom the two lower ranks must have suffered seriously as to their backs from the feet of those placed above them, while the length and weight of the oars used by the top rank must have made good form and accurate time almost impossible. A Cambridge poet, Mr. R....

Pickering’s letter bringing news of my grandfather’s death found me at Naples early in October. John Marshall Glenarm had died in June. He had left a will which gave me his property conditionally, Pickering wrote, and it was necessary for me to return immediately to qualify as legatee.

It was the merest luck that the letter came to my hands at all, for it had been sent to Constantinople, in care of the consul-general instead of my banker there. It was not Pickering’s fault that the consul was a friend of mine who kept track of my wanderings and was able to hurry the executor’s letter after me to Italy, where I had gone to meet an English financier who had, I was advised, unlimited money to spend on African railways. I am an engineer, a graduate of an American institution familiarly known as “Tech,” and as my...